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Woman. Life. Freedom.

It is our mission to serve as the voice of the Iranian people through our non-profit organization located in Portland, Oregon.

“I can’t breathe”

Iranian schoolgirls being poisoned by toxic gas.

Thousands of Iranian students, the majority being girls, have been attacked with toxic gas in schools in cities like Qom and Tehran, with at least one girl allegedly having died as a result. Activists say the poisonous attacks have been deliberately carried out by hardline religious groups opposed to girls’ education in an attempt to force schools to shut.

What's happening in Iran?

Iran’s current uprising is one of the few women-led revolutions in the world. The protests started in major cities of Iran following the death of 22-year-old girl, Mahsa Amini, who was detained by the “morality” police ONLY for not wearing her hijab properly and got killed on September 16. These protests quickly spread and evolved into a movement against the Islamic regime fighting for basic human rights and freedom. People of Iran are now rallying on the street against gender apartheid, forced religious beliefs, lack of due process, extrajudicial killings, torture, funding of terrorism and war, political corruption, and the religious dictatorship that has ruled Iran with an iron fist for 43 years. The Iranians abroad have been protesting and being the voice of this revolution in more than 160 cities across the world since September 16th.

What can you do to help?


Contact your representatives and demand their support


Sign and Share the petitions. Each signature counts.


Join the demonstrations and show your support


Amplify the voice of Iran by spreading the word on social Media

Why should you care?

This is a movement for women's rights and human rights. Regardless of personal and political beliefs, it is our duty as human beings to stand against tyranny and oppression. We must always take sides to be impactful and neutrality helps the oppressor but not the victim. 


Iran’s government is supplying Russians with drones, prolonging the war and causing many casualties. Many Ukrainians are showing their support for the Iranians’ movement as it will also weaken the Russian army and help them with their fight against a similar evil.

The US government spends a significant amount of taxpayer’s money on military bases and operations in the Middle East. Iran’s government is a major contributor to the region’s instability which provides the justification for this spendings that ultimately benefits a few at the cost of ruining many lives. On the other hand, rather than investing in the country’s fundamental needs and people’s welfare, I.R. Regime spends assets on strengthening its lobbies such as NIAC  in the US, Canada, and Europe in order to evade sanctions or harsh measures against its government. It is not surprising to see little to no meaningful action from US officials to support the people of Iran. By asking your representatives to take action, impose significant sanctions on the regime’s main figures, and seize their foreign assets, you will help the people of Iran by weakening their suppressors, and put an end to much of the unnecessary spendings of the US military budget.  


This movement is against the Islamic Republic regime, their nuclear capabilities and ambitions and the whole world will benefit from a new democratic and stable Iran.

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